Think There's a Lot of Smoking in the Restaurant Industry? You're Correct. |

Think There's a Lot of Smoking in the Restaurant Industry? You're Correct.

If you've worked in restaurants, you've probably noticed that a lot of people in the industry smoke. Now the CDC has officially confirmed it. After a 2004-2010 study, the CDC concluded that the mining, construction, and service industries have the heaviest smokers compared to other professions. So how about you? Still on the smoking wagon or have you kicked the habit?


bclarke001 • 10/05/2011
Seven years last August, it was actually easier than I thought it would beUsed the patchgum for a few weeks, that was all it took.
kaffeenjunkie • 10/06/2011
Kicked over 20 years ago. Had a two to three pack a day habit. Went cold turkey with the help of hypnosis. Butted one out when I walked in to the session and haven't touched one since.
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