Food and Wine Magazine Announces 'Best New Chefs of 2011' |

Food and Wine Magazine Announces 'Best New Chefs of 2011'

Previous winners have included David Bouley, Grant Achatz, Gavin Kaysen, Tom Colicchio, Wylie Dufresne, and many other of today's talented chefs; today Food and Wine Magazine announced their list of this year's Best New Chefs.

Bowman Brown and Viet Pham, Forage (Salt Lake City)

Joshua Skenes, Saison (San Francisco)
Jason Franey, Canlis (Seattle)

Kevin Willmann, Farmhous (Saint Louis)
Bryce Gilmore, Barley Swine (Austin)

Ricardo Zarate, Mo-Chica (Los Angeles)
Stephanie Izard, Girl & The Goat (Chicago)

James Lewis, Bettola (Birmingham)
George Mendes, Aldea (New York)

Carlo Mirarchi, Roberta’s (New York)


c00kerb0y • 04/06/2011
T-shirts and dishwasher aprons, how cool?
wwongso • 06/30/2011
What is the cristerias of the judgement?
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