The Origin of Our Micro Greens |

The Origin of Our Micro Greens

When I reflect on the origin of micro greens, it was Charlie Trotter who propelled us into this uncharted territory. Then, as now, Chef Trotter was a culinary leader in the U.S. and beyond. He said mesclun was passé and wanted something cutting-edge that would stand out on the plate, something that would complement the entrée yet was interesting and different.

Miniature greens and vegetables, grown only until the first true leaves appeared, got him excited. From that point, we were pioneers in a new field. Other growers have since followed, but we firmly believe that our products offer the best quality. We continue to grow in soil, which we’ve found produces better flavor, longer shelf-life and a safer product.
While this story illustrates the process of developing new flavors to offer something interesting and unique, it also reminds me that our business was built by the forward-thinking chefs who’ve guided us and told us what they needed. It’s about the symbiotic relationship between chef and farmer that has made us so much better, and it’s no different today.


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