Batali Endorses Meatless Mondays |

Batali Endorses Meatless Mondays

Starting this month, Mario Batali is joining the Meatless Monday cause.

"The fact is, most people in the U.S. eat way more meat than is good for them or the planet," Batali said in a press release. "Asking everyone to go vegetarian or vegan isn't a realistic or attainable goal. But we can focus on a more plant-based diet, and support the farmers who raise their animals humanely and sustainably. That's why I'm such a big believer in the Meatless Monday movement!"

You'll still be able to order meat in his restaurants on Monday, but his establishments, including Babbo, Del Posto, Esca, Lupa, Carnevino Italian Steakhouse and Osteria Mozza, will offer at least two vegetarian options.
Source: Luxist


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