Bookmark These Food World Resources |

Bookmark These Food World Resources

I came across two valuable food resources on the internet today. The first is Yale's Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity Legislation Database. It tracks all state and federal legislative work and outside lobbying that relates to food in the US. If you're wondering whether it's a law or might be a law, this is the place to look.
The second site, Hyfoma, was sent to me and I've barely been able to scratch its surface. The site collects hundreds of technical food articles, typically published across different periodicals, and consolidates them all into one space. An independent editorial board reviews the content for relevance, added value, and to weed out any commercial plugs.

What you get is a HUGE collection of information on baking, produce, processing meat, nutritional info, cooking equipment, legislation, and tons more. Additionally, the site is available in English, Dutch, German, and Spanish.


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