California Foie Ban Stands |

California Foie Ban Stands

Photo by cyclonebill
We've been following the foie gras debate in California with interest, concern, and not a little bit of chef-ly disbelief since the summer of 2012 when the 2004 law banning the sale or production of foie gras in California went into effect. The protests, defiant acts, and lawsuits also went into effect almost immediately, but in the fall of 2013, three federal judges unanimously declared the ban to be Constitutional.

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal filed by restaurants and producers of foie gras. In doing so, the high court left intact the 2013 ruling upholding the law. Unlike other contraband items, the law does not prohibit possession of foie, just the sale or production of any product created by "force feeding a bird for the purpose of enlarging the bird's liver beyond a normal size" within the state borders.


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